Workforce - CASA New Orleans
Effective advocacy for vulnerable children and families can be difficult, but during the Coronavirus/Covid-19 national health crisis, the need for good, vetted information becomes even more critical.
New Orleans, Coronavirus, COVID-19, covid19, dcfs, children, families
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Those out of work or on reduced work hours due to COVID-19 may be eligible for unemployment benefits and SNAP. Source, additional details: Louisiana Workforce Commission GNO Inc has compiled answers to frequently asked questions, available here:


Gambit has a comprehensive list of relief resources for musicians, artists and service industry workers. Source, list:


Here is the IRS link for the “economic impact payment” for anyone who has not or does not file taxes:


Applications for grants of up to $500 through the Hospitality Cares Pandemic Response Fund open on Saturday, March 21, 2020. Apply online at or call 211 to complete the application over the phone. Go to the site now to review eligibility and prepare necessary documents for submitting an application. Questions? Email Source:


Orleans Parish musicians, rideshare drivers, festival production staff, and artists can apply for grant support ($500-1000; multiple awards possible) now through NOLABA. Source, application, additional details: 


Bartenders anywhere can apply for relief from the Bartender Emergency Relief Program. Source, details, application:


The IRS is extending the tax-filing deadline to July 15 for both filing and paying taxes without interest or penalties. Those who are expecting a refund probably should file as quickly as possible, as the IRS is continuing to process returns and issue checks. Source:


Army Emergency Relief is available for soldiers and families affected by quarantine. Source, additional details:


Small business owners can find resources and help through the Good Works Network (, GNO Inc (,  Tulane’s Lepage Center (, and local Chambers of Commerce ( 

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